Heat can kill and makes work harder.

That’s why it’s important to track workers’ vitals to ensure the heat isn’t posing a serious or deadly threat. VigiLife can help. In high-risk environments, our SafeGuard® intelligent guardian technology provides cutting-edge heat stress monitoring to keep safety at the forefront.

Why Care About Heat Stress?

#1 cause of death among all hazardous weather conditions in the US

50% to 70% of outdoor fatalities occur in the first few days of working in hot environments due to lack of heat acclimatization

73% of workers perceive heat as a barrier to productivity

Compliance to OSHA Heat Stress Guidelines

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has issued a proposed rule in 2024 around monitoring and managing heat stress. According to OSHA, “The standard would require employers to create a plan to evaluate and control heat hazards in their workplace. It would clarify employer obligations and the steps necessary to effectively protect employees from hazardous heat.”

One of the elements for OSHA’s proposed rule addresses how heat stress will be measured. Under the proposed rule, employers are required to:

  1. Observe signs of heat illness
  2. Perform environmental data recordkeeping
  3. Provide paid breaks and monitor work:rest ratios

SafeGuard can fulfill this piece of your plan for compliance in heat stress prevention. As shown in the table below, SafeGuard is the “easy button” for heat stress safety and compliance: 

Provision All Covered Employers At or Above Initial Heat Trigger At or Above High Heat Trigger
Identify heat hazards
Heat illness and emergency response procedures
Training for employees and supervisors
Heat injury and illness prevention plan (HIIPP)
Drinking Water
Break Area
Indoor work area controls
Acclimatization plan for new or returning workers
Rest breaks (if needed)
Effective communication means with employees
Rest breaks (minimum 15 minutes every 2 hours)
Supervisor or buddy system to observe for signs and symptoms
Hazard Alert

How SafeGuard Protects Workers and Empowers Leaders

For Workers and Managers

SafeGuard continuously monitors both the worker and environment, providing personalized insights as well as warnings and alerts when concerning trends are identified.

For Leaders and Policymakers

Safeguard provides valuable aggregated awareness for corporate leaders looking to ensure worker health and safety, empower organizational productivity and efficiency, and certify corporate responsibility and sustainability.

Cost Savings For Employers

OSHA estimates that employers face a risk of nearly $80,000 in costs for each heat-related incident. Fatalities, while rare, often lead to 7- and 8-figure costs and settlements.

In contrast, one of SafeGuard’s recent clients saw an overall $200,000 estimated reduction of heat-related costs and productivity loss by adopting Safeguard as a solution. Companies that adopt SafeGuard potentially stand to save at least this amount, if not more.

Fitness and activity monitor and band on a white background.

Learn more about SafeGuard and how our heat stress monitor can help protect your workers from injury or death.

Heat Stress In The Headlines

Firefighter Casualty During Training


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A Lineman Perished on the Job


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Sanitation Worker Dies from Heat Illness


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